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Owners and investors


CHS is committed to providing value for all our owners, including more than 750 member cooperatives that represent 500,000 farmers and ranchers, plus 75,000名购买投入物或直接向CHS出售粮食的个体农民和牧场主.


合作赞助模式通过将一定比例的利润返还给所有者来支持农民和美国农村. When a cooperative board calculates patronage, 它决定了在组织中保留哪些部分作为成员权益, a key source of capital for cooperative maintenance and growth. CHS has returned $3.在过去的10年里,它向其所有者提供了20亿美元的现金赞助和股权赎回.

For equity questions, call 800-535-4645 or 651-355-6124 or email CHS Patron Equities.

Preferred stock

CHS利用优先股的收益来维持强劲的资产负债表并推动增长. 五类无表决权优先股为CHS投资提供资金:8%累积可赎回优先股(CHSCP) and Class B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, Series 1 (CHSCO), Series 2 (CHSCN), Series 3 (CHSCM), Series 4 (CHSCL). 所有CHS类别的优先股都在纳斯达克全球精选市场交易. 由皇冠hga010安卓二维码董事会宣布的股息按季度支付.

For questions on selling or transferring CHS preferred stock:
EQ Shareowner Services
PO Box 64854
St Paul, MN 55164-0854
For overnight deliveries or walk-in service:
EQ Shareowner Services
1110 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 101
Mendota Heights, MN 55120-4100

Answers to questions about CHS preferred stock

  • 随着6月30日伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)的停止, 2023, 你将如何重置B类重置利率累积优先股的股息率, Series 2 and Series 3?

    基于每个系列的合同条款和可调利率(LIBOR)法案的应用, the dividend rates were fixed on Jan. 2024年2月2日,如下所示,并将按以下费率保留,直至赎回为止:

    Series Trading Symbol Fixed Rate
    B类重置利率累积可赎回优先股,系列2 CHSCN 7.10%
    B类重置利率累积可赎回优先股,系列3 CHSCM 6.75%


  • When does the preferred stock become redeemable by CHS?

    The five series of CHS preferred stock become redeemable, at the option of CHS, on various dates between July 18, 2023, and January 21, 2025. 各系列可兑换的具体日期如下:

    Series Trading symbol Redeemable beginning
    8% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock CHSCP July 18, 2023
    Class B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, Series 1 CHSCO Sept. 26, 2023
    B类重置利率累积可赎回优先股,系列2 CHSCN March 31, 2024
    B类重置利率累积可赎回优先股,系列3 CHSCM Sept. 30, 2024
    Class B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock, Series 4 CHSCL Jan. 21, 2025
  • 在任何情况下,CHS可能需要赎回任何系列的优先股, or a portion of a series, before the applicable date set forth above?

    No. 在上一个答案所示的适用日期之前,CHS不能赎回优先股. Nevertheless, CHS may at any time, and from time to time, in compliance with applicable law, purchase shares of preferred stock on the open market, pursuant to a tender offer or otherwise, at whatever price or prices and other terms it determines. However, CHS不允许在一个或多个过去股息期有累积但未支付的股息时购买优先股.

  • If CHS chooses to redeem any series of preferred stock, or a portion of a series, can the shareholder choose to keep it and not have it redeemed, or is the shareholder required to participate in the redemption?

    If any series of preferred stock, or a portion of a series, is called for redemption by CHS, 股东有义务参与赎回,不能选择保留优先股.

  • If CHS chooses to redeem a particular series of preferred stock, or a portion of a series, CHS是否也需要赎回任何或所有其他系列的优先股?

    No. 如果CHS选择赎回特定系列的优先股, or a portion of a series, 它不需要赎回任何其他系列的优先股.

  • 如果CHS选择赎回特定系列优先股的股份, 是否需要赎回该系列的所有已发行股份?

    No. CHS可以选择赎回全部或仅赎回部分特定系列优先股的已发行股票. However, CHS不得赎回少于某一特定系列的所有已发行股票,除非该系列所有已发行股票的所有累积和未付股息已在所有过去的股息期间支付.

    如果要赎回的特定系列优先股少于全部股份, CHS will designate by lot, 或以CHS董事会决定的其他方式, the particular shares to be redeemed, 或CHS将按比例影响从该系列的记录持有人赎回.

  • How will shareholders be notified if a series of preferred stock, or a portion of a series, is called for redemption by CHS?

    If CHS chooses to redeem a holder’s preferred stock, 书面赎回通知将在不少于30天的时间内发出给待赎回股份的记录持有人, in the case of the four series of CHS Class B preferred stock, 赎回日期前不少于30天但不超过60天. 除法律规定的任何其他信息外,该通知还将说明:

    1. The redemption date;
    2. The redemption price;
    3. The number of shares to be redeemed;
    4. The time, 持有人须向CHS交出适用股份的地点及方式, 包括持有人就任何代表已遗失股份的证明书应采取的步骤, stolen or destroyed or for any uncertificated shares; and
    5. 待赎回股票的股息将在赎回日停止累积, assuming payment of the redemption price is made on such date.

    如持有人所持有的适用系列股份少于全部股份须赎回, 该通知亦会指明该系列的股份数目,以向持有人赎回.

  • If a series of preferred stock, or portion of a series, is redeemed by CHS, what will the redemption price be?

    If a series of preferred stock, or a portion of a series, is redeemed by CHS, 股东将获得相当于每股25美元清算优先权的现金支付.00, 加上所有累积和未支付的股息,直至并包括赎回日期.

  • 如果CHS的优先股以组织或合作社的名义持有, 组织或合作社的个人雇员(如首席执行官或首席财务官)能否出售或转让股份?

    To sell or transfer the shares of preferred stock, 个人需要得到组织或合作社的授权才能这样做. Please contact EQ Shareowner Services at 1-800-468-9716 to obtain additional guidance on this process.

  • What if I have further questions related to the preferred stock?

    Please contact EQ Shareowner Services at 1-800-468-9716 or 651-450-4064.

CHS Board of Directors

CHS由17名成员组成的董事会澳门皇冠赌场平台,董事会由我们的生产者和成员合作社所有者选举产生. 我们欢迎新的想法,并邀请合作社农场主考虑成为CHS董事会的候选人.

There are six charters that define the respective roles, CHS理事会在澳门皇冠赌场平台合作社时的职责和权限;

Convention center lobby filled with people
CHS Annual Meeting
CHS Directors and management share news, 每年12月初举行的CHS年会的财务更新和倡议进展情况. 年度会议为业主提供了参与合作社治理的机会, create connections, ask questions and voice concerns.

View the latest CHS quarterly financial information

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